We are proud to be a diversified organization whose core foundation has been to invest in its people and their growth.

We respect different cultures and promote cross learning at all levels. We strongly discourage any discrimination based on gender, race, color or ethnicity.

Life at Enthusiast is not just full of learnings but inspirations that help us to keep climbing the ladder of endless possibilities.


Randy H Nelson

Over the past 27 years, Randy's businesses that he founded have produced over 1 billion in sales. He is currently the CEO of Gold Dolphins, LLC, a coaching, speaking and consulting firm for entrepreneurial leaders and their leadership teams. He has been a member of Vistage since 2004, and has attended the EO Birthing of Giants and EO Advanced Business Program at MIT, and the EO London Business School. Nicknamed the “Triangle’s Yoda”, he has a lifelong passion and successful track record for entrepreneurship and leadership. He served 6 ½ years as a Lieutenant in the Navy Nuclear Engineering Program, completing three years on the USS James Madison, a Nuclear Ballistic Missile Submarine from 1984-1987.

Randy is a contributor to Forbes, and was selected as one of the initial authors to publish under the brand new Forbes Books logo. His first book in his Decision Series for Entrepreneurs®, The Second Decision is an Amazon # 1 best-seller and he will be publishing his follow up book, The Third Decision in 2018. Randy operates The Decision Center in Garner, NC for off-site workshops and coaching.

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David Belden

David is the founder of the facilitation company, ExecuVision International (iexecuvision.com). The focus of his work is to help teams discover the underlying blockers to cooperation, understanding, and profitability. A significant dimension of David’s work is in mentoring, where he has performed between 30 and 40 sessions a month for the past 19 years.

David is also an 19-year Master Chair in Vistage, the world’s leading Chief Executive Organization, facilitating and coaching several groups of Chief Executives and their direct reports in the United States, Europe, and India. He also facilitates 2 cohorts of developing leaders in Leadership and Self-Discovery. He is currently co-designing the Eli Leadership Institute, developing a dynamic curriculum for global leaders.

David lived abroad for 30 years, successfully completing five start-ups and three major turn-arounds in six countries (Denmark, Germany, France, Taiwan, Japan, USA). In doing so, he garnered profound insight into the universal nature of organizations.

David has completed all the certification and advanced training in Imago Relationship Therapy. This study is focused on the work of Harville Hendrix, delineated in his perennial bestsellers, Getting the Love You Want and Receiving Love. David uses this training in conflict resolution and counseling, as well as in relationship workshops for couples where at least one of the partners is an executive.

David is also a certified Master Facilitator in Fierce Conversations™. As a supplement to this, he is also certified in The Communication Catalyst™, a watershed methodology delineating the psychological basis of conversations. David has also worked extensively in the field of neuroscience to supplement his knowledge of how we learn. He has presented over 400 workshops, retreats, and keynotes to a wide range of groups and organizations.

Finally, David is certified to use the material in Dan Pink’s Drive to create organizations that can recruit, retain, and motivate conceptual workers in today’s competitive market. He uses much of Dan’s work in his curriculum for the Eli Leadership Institute.

Tarunjit Singh Bachher

Co-founder of Breakthology Consulting Pvt. Ltd, certified in MBTI, LSIP, Assessment Centres and a practitioner of the FIRO-B and the Human Element- USA.

A consultant with Manford previously, Tarun has over a decade of facilitation experience with focus on executive coaching and engagements that enable performance breakthroughs. Having worked with over 65 organizations in 8 countries, he is known as a high energy & impactful facilitator inspiring participants to take ownership and act on their commitments. He has led several large group interventions using LSIP, one of which covered 10,000 participants over a fortnight.

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Ian MacDougall

Ian MacDougall is the Founder of Corporate LifeCycles Inc. - a consulting firm which specializes in large-scale organizational change.

The mission of Corporate Lifecycles is to change the way management is practiced and taught – one company at a time.

Prior to founding Corporate LifeCycles, Mr. MacDougall was President and Senior Associate of Adizes Associates, Inc. in Los Angeles, California.

Ian MacDougall has consulted with government agencies as well as small, medium and large corporations worldwide in a diverse range of industries, including aerospace, defense, manufacturing, publishing, retail, high technology, financial services, telecommunications and higher education.

His clients include the New York University Center for Entrepreneurial Studies, Icelandair, Hunt Oil Company, The Conference Board, Bank of America, Los Angeles County Department of Children’s Services, TM Insurance (Iceland), U.S. Naval Weapons Research China Lake California, Vistage, TEC Canada, Young President’s Organization, Shell Oil, Charles Schwab & Co., Knight - Ridder, The Automobile Association of America (AAA), Vodafone, UCLA Graduate School of Business, The Reykjavik Art Museum, The Institute for International Management Consulting, Young Presidents Organization, IKEA, The University of Applied Sciences in Ludwigshafen, Germany, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, the National Power Company of Iceland and the Association for Unmanned Systems.

In addition to his consulting practice, Mr. MacDougall is an award-winning speaker who has delivered more than 700 presentations to C-level executives and aspiring entrepreneurs across the country and around the world.

His work has taken him to the mainland of China, the United Kingdom, the Republic of Ireland, Canada, Spain, Germany, Iceland, South Africa, Zimbabwe, Scandinavia, Australia, Singapore, Hong Kong, Israel and Ecuador as well as almost every state in the Union.

Ian MacDougall was born in Scotland, educated in Scotland, England and the United States and makes his home on the barrier island in Boca Raton.

Dan Miller

Dan is an internationally renowned nutrition and fitness expert, developing health and wellness programs for all walks of life. From the executive to the physician, from the professional fighter to the family with a son who has cancer, Dan’s flexibility is paramount for him to push the discussion of dieting to one of vibrant longevity without disease or disorder.

He has presented his strategies to thousands of executives world-wide; helping them to live longer and healthier lives, reduce healthcare costs, and achieve greater personal and workplace productivity. Dan’s engaging, interactive style has inspired thousands to achieve permanent, lifechanging results. In 2015, Dan was featured at the Vistage International Speaker Showcase.

As a Certified Nutrition Coach through the International Board of Nutrition & Fitness Coaching (IBNFC), Dan is a member of the Venice Nutrition Coaches Network. His nutrition programs, based on blood-sugar stabilization and macro-nutrient balance, are designed to permanently end dieting.

In addition to being a world leader in nutrition and fitness, he is a 30 year veteran of the martial arts. He has practiced, coached, and studied many disciplines including Jiu Jitsu, Krav Maga, and Tae Kwon Do. Physical feats are no stranger to Dan as he is also a former Guinness World Endurance Record holder for the 48 hour treadmill marathon event.

Holding Master’s degrees in Business Administration; Strategic Leadership; and Project Management, Dan’s education transcends nutrition, allowing him to identify with the challenges faced by today’s busy executives. But his education continues every day, book by book: Dan reads an average of 100 books a year to have a working knowledge of the human body and what can go awry when we stray from our primal beginnings.

Dan is an entrepreneur, speaker, martial artist, scuba diver, ultra-runner, mentor, business owner, writer, husband, and father of two amazing boys.

Tevis Trower

Balance Integration Corporation Founder/CEO Tevis Trower is a pioneer in optimizing corporate cultures. Heralded in bestselling Megatrends 2010 as “corporate mindfulness guru for the new millennium”, Tevis has assisted powerful organizations ranging from Disney to Morgan Stanley in optimizing their most precious /assets: human beings. Serving clients in over 70 US markets, Europe and Latin America, Balance Integration has provided global executive immersions for prestigious organizations including Harvard Business Review Events, Young Presidents Organization, PWC, KKR, Soros, Bloomberg LP, Viacom, Google and The Economist on issues including mindfulness, executive lifestyle, personal mastery, innovation, and the role of consciousness in creating radical success. You can find profiles and expert advice from Tevis featured in respected media outlets including Forbes, Fortune, BusinessWeek, Glamour, YogaJournal, CIO, Pink, RealSimple, Crain’s, New York Post, Financial Times, WWD, New York Observer, MSNBC, FoxBusiness, NY1 and Martha Stewart. As NYU Faculty teaching Business Creativity & Personal Mastery, Tevis has also served as worklife expert to WebMD and Huffington Post. Tevis lives what she teaches from her home in Woodstock, enjoying surfing, snowboarding and entertaining friends at home with her little doggy, Ruby.

Called "corporate mindfulness guru" in bestselling Megatrends 2010, Tevis helps organizations optimize their most precious /assets: humans. Serving clients in over 70 markets, Balance supports organizations including HBR, YPO, PWC, KKR, Soros, Bloomberg, Viacom, Google and AOL/HuffPo on mindfulness, executive lifestyle, mastery, innovation, and sustainable success. Find expert advice in Forbes, Fortune, BusinessWeek, YogaJournal, CIO, Crain’s, NYPost, FT, MSNBC, and FoxBusiness. Teaching Business Creativity at NYU, Tevis served as worklife expert to WebMD and HuffPo.


From Our Trainers

  • The Enthusiast Global Group truly understands and embraces the phrase that "The growth of a Portfolio is limited by the growth of its leaders." Each and every leader is committed to personal and professional growth, and is focused on being limitless in terms of the growth of themselves and the portfolio. It is a joy to watch them want to learn and implement the teachings in their respective organizations. Enthusiast is truly becoming a global group with its recent acquisitions, and I look forward to our next time together where the leaders will take the next step up on their growth journey. Congrats, and onwards and upwards!

    by Randy H Nelson

  • My engagements with Enthusiast have been in the realm of fostering mindsets and behaviors that enable breakthrough performance. Given my understanding of the culture at Enthusiast, only those who've moved beyond the threshold requirement of functional competence have succeeded. They've sharpened their drive to achieve irrespective of the odds, embraced the audacious dreams that the company envisions and gone about significantly enhancing their self-awareness to become leaders who can enroll others into their visions for the future. This calls for a great deal of personal discomfort during the change(s), those who've risen up are the ones who're the stars.

    by Tarunjit Singh Bachher

  • Facilitating with executives at Enthusiast is more than just unpacking concepts. The mentality is far beyond just showing up and getting through the day so they can get on with their jobs. They’re like a team of athletes each extremely skilled at their respective functions, but each eager to get even better and to do better at what they do with ever increasing grace. Their ability to grasp concepts and apply them to their own lives and ways of processing made each conversation a joy, and each experiential component truly impactful.

    by Tevis Trower

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